Saturday 10 May 2008

White Spot

I continue the treatment for white spot, but am getting worried as the halfbeak, which had lost all of his spots, now has a few new (tiny) white spots on his tail and other fins. I can't see any spots on the other fish, but then they are all so active I could just have missed a neon.

I know it can take 2 weeks to clear white spot and these could be spots that were actually on him before I started treatment on Sunday, just 6 days ago. But it's depressing to see more spots appearing when I thought they were going. Let's just hope it's not a short lifecycle going very well - in the current weather the tank is reaching 26 / 27 celsius in the daytime (set to 24) so that will be shortening the life cycle a lot.

I read that the life cycle of the white spot is as follows:

The mature parasite (trophont) leaves the fish and settles on the bottom of the pond where it secretes a gelatinous cyst (tomont). Inside the cyst the cell reproduces by division to produce around 1000 tomites. The cyst ruptures to release the free-swimming, ciliated tomites which must find a fish host within 24 - 48 hours to survive. The tomites, also known as vagrant bodies, penetrate the skin of their hosts where they mature into trophonts. The whole cycle takes 2 - 14 days depending on water temperature.

It just depends how long the stage on the fish lasts. No water change today - after Thursday's 20% change. To worried about removing baby danios!

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