Saturday 24 May 2008

Bristlenose still no better

The inflated Bristlenose still isn't any better yet - he's still a worry. But more evidence as to what it could be when he finally came out of hiding in the cave (I was surprised he could fit his stomach in!).

I noticed that behind his lateral fins and further back on his body there are a few tiny air bubbles. Well, not so tiny given his size. I searched these on Google and came up with 'gas bubble disease'. Basically, it's the fishy version of the divers' bends.

It's rare (typical) and caused by tiny bubbles in great numbers in the tank. Unlikely in most tanks - unless they are over oxygenated. Now that could be my problem - with so many plants, including 5 bunches of oxygenating weed, plus I was using the venturi air feed into the tank. The effect was air bubbles shooting across the surface and a constant stream of tiny air bubbles rising up the front of the tank - where the bristlenose catfish likes to feed... Every time I move a plant a stream of tiny bubbles rise to the water surface.

Instantly the venturi air inlet was removed and an air stone put into the tank. Went to see Sarah at the shop and she said she's had similar problems when pumps in marine tanks were allowed to become exposed because of a drop in water height (not sure how that works!). She said that remove the problem and he should be showing signs of improvement by the evening, and fully better by tomorrow.

Needless to say, by evening he's no different. Hopefully a few days will sort him...

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