Monday 9 June 2008

The whitespot returns...

The whitespot has returned to the halfbeak - what a nuiscance! Was talking to the lady in the shop yesterday and she noticed as I was talking to her that the whitespot had returned to her halfbeak. I don't know what it is about this infection, but even when I'm treating it (I put a dose of medication into the tank only yesterday) it can still reappear. I seem to have been dosing the tank alternate days for ages now.

The fat fish do seem to have shrunk a little, so the top feeders are on part rations for the next few days to sort that out. It's so easy to feed too much when I'm sat by the tank most working hours of the day. They can easily be over fed!

When we fed them this afternoon the water boiled - they were that keen to get to the food. But still continuing to feed the babies their full rations - maybe even sneaking an extra clean and feed in to keep them going.

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