Tuesday 3 June 2008

The Guppy fry survive their first night

All but one of the fry survived the first 24 hours - the one that didn't looked a bit deformed, or that could just have been the way it died. We had noticed one had an interesting colouration on top - too much black on one side. It was either that one that died, or the black patch has cleared up.

I dropped the dead fry back into the main tank and in the blink of an eye it was eaten - the little fry wouldn't stand a chance in there alone! They are still around 5mm long, but do seem to be trying to take some of the food off the surface. I expect that once they start eating, then as long as the water stays fresh etc, hopefully they will put on some decent growth.

It is fascinating watching them. They all hide at the back when I open the tank, but if I stand still and watch them they make their way to the top to find food. The Danio (???) fry is about 8mm long - possibly grown ever so slightly. Really need him to make some progress so he can be put into the main tank. It's almost a month since I recorded him as 5mm - 6mm in length. Mind you, I thought there were 3 of them then, but only found one the next day.

Come on little fishies - do some growing!

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