Saturday 21 June 2008

First high nitrate reading

After yesterday's cleaning of the filter, the tank filled with bits blasted off the plants and the current is much better around the tank. But I've just done the tests and the nitrates are the highest I have ever seen in that tank.

It probably isn't helped by the fact that when I moved the fry into the breeding trap I had to pour out their water into the main tank. I suspect that added a bit of waste - but the relative proportions of the water should mean it wasn't that much damage. I suppose maybe the spawning has added to the waste load as well?

The new cardinals also seem to have developed whitespot over night... Now Alan thinks that all fish carry whitespot and it shows after stress. Well, it did take 30 minutes to drive them home (instead of the usual 10) and a badly timed (very long...) phone call that would go away meant their introduction to the tank was slowed, so maybe that's stressed them. I can't believe the tank in the shop would have that much white spot - Sarah's too good to not notice.

Maintenance - Nitrate - 40ppm; small water change (all prepared water) and water prepared for 25% tomorrow.

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