Thursday 3 April 2008

The First Casualty

Sadly, the Red Crab has quickly passed away in the night. He didn't last long - but then I wasn't hopeful when I got him home and realised what I'd been sold. There's a valuable lesson there - ask the assistant to show you which specimens they have caught before they bag it. And if they bag it as roughly as that guy, ask to check it again.

The water also started reading nitrites & nitrates yesterday for the first time. Strange to get both, yet no ammonia / ammonium. Immediately did a 20% change, followed by the same this morning and will do another tomorrow morning. Also bought yet more plants! With 2 removed and 1 swapped with 1 from the other tank, that takes me to 21 plants in 80 litres of water.

The snail that I've been worrying about on and off since Sunday morning has also closed up and gone on strike. There's still tension in the base of the snail and as I'm typing it's suddenly started bobbing slightly - I think it's filling with air.

The nusicance snails brought in on the plants are thriving. Started removing some in case their total waste is affecting the nitrite / nitrate. The catfish is doing an excellent job of eating their eggs now (there's more for him to eat now at the front) - or I would be inundated.

I did also find a shrimp shell a day or so ago, so one or both of the ghost shrimps has molted. That explains their disappearance.

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