Tuesday 1 April 2008

No snail eggs, yet

Lowering the water levels in the hope that the apple snails would lay some eggs didn't have any success last night.

Tried feeding the fish without raising the water level this morning, but the flakes got caught on the filter before the fish saw them. So I had to return the 8 litres of water so that the fish could feed, then remove it again tonight in the hope that there will be some eggs in the morning.

What I did also notice was that the tank is getting very warm in the daytime, but then cooling at night. This is because the room it's in gets warm (small room with 2 computers running in there today - it's my workplace), but once I finish work it can cool right down. The tank was around 24 / 25 degrees in the day time, so I raised the heater setting from 22 to 24 to try to maintain the warmer environment.

Still not reading any ammonia / ammonium - 12 days after adding to first occupants. Might get a few more grasses and other plants to throw in soon! 16 (2 small ones died straight away) aren't enough!

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