Tuesday 25 March 2008

A Puffer Fish???

The fish are settling in, but the readings are still all staying impossibly on zero, even using a different type test kit to cross check.

Didn't see the glass shrimps until very late in the day - no idea where they have been hiding as I moved their favourite plants around as I wasn't happy with the arrangment. This did cause a load of sediment that had settled on some plants (presumably the frozen daphnia that's not been eaten) to scatter. It settled in seconds, just wish something would eat it!

I did see in the shop a nice looking Leopard Puffer Fish. These Puffer fish look harmless and quite friendly, and aren't massively big for the tank, so I did some research on them. First thing I found was a video of one eating live ghost shrimps, so I won't be getting a Puffer Fish! Can't have it eating the residents that are already established. My daughter would be devasted if 'Shrimpy' or 'Narky' were eaten.

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