Sunday 23 March 2008

Neons Settling In

Quite a bit of aggression between the Neons this morning - in 1s and 2s instead of a shoal. Eventually 4 did calm down and shoal, still looking for the 5th fish.

Poured in some frozen daphnia and the Yamato Shrimps and Green Apple Snails appeared for feed time. The Neon Tetras tried some if the food, but not much. Too busy chasing each other around the tank. There are 2 noticably different colour patterns between the Neons today - some are blues (and red) whilst on others they are more green. Trying to work out whether the greeny Neons are the ones doing the chasing.

I have read today that it is normal for the Neons to chase each other more prior to the lights coming on, so maybe this is to be expected.

Water levels are still showing absolutely no ammonia in the tank. Reading up about this and it could be the large number of plants are consuming it all. Might need another hardy fish later in the week.

Just spotted the other tetra on it's own in their favourite hiding place whilst the others are mid water. Maybe the move has triggered spawning behaviour of something. Lights are still only on for 3 hours per day - so will come on later.

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