Saturday 22 March 2008

Neon Tetras

Still no changes in the water quality. Ammonia, nitrate and nitrite staying at zero. Whereas this is excellent for the snails and shrimps, it does mean the cycling isn't starting.

So went back to the shop and, with their advice, bought 5 neon tetras. Settled them into the tank and prepared 16 litres of water for a water change tomorrow if the levels go mad overnight.

The Neons are shoaling well, but very difficult to get them to take food. A couple did finally spot the flakes at the surface, but the Neons seem to prefer the bottom of the tank, in with the 18 plants! One did get an entire flake into it's mouth and then try to eat it - so the others then started to try to steal the rest of the flagk from it. Eventually they did break off most of the flake, leaving just a tube of flake in the fish's mouth - it looked gormless with it's mouth stuck open.

Later 3 of them looked quite fat from the foor, the other 2 looked skinny still. Tried a couple of flakes later, but still no feeding.

A slightly bit of agro between one of the Yamato Shrimps against a couple of the tetras, but only slight positioning. Neither hurt!

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