Saturday 5 July 2008

Plants falling apart.

I'm noticing that the filter is clogging up with plant debris every week - it really needs stripping out and cleaning at least weekly. This isn't going to be good when I go away for a fortnight in a few weeks - there's no-one about to do that for me then.

Most of the debris comes from 3 plants - the oxygenating weed, which has been all but removed (there's a few strands left that are well routed and no longer dropping leaves); some un-named plant with tiny, very thin leaves, which I've had trouble with before and has been virtually removed this week; and the fern like plant (not Java Fern), that seems to be dieing and responsible for most of the rotting vegitation in the tank.

There are other odd leaves about, not too much. But looking closely at the fern type plants they are browning and falling apart. Sarah at the shop seemed to think I had too much light, but in non-aquatic plants I'd say they looked too shaded. Especially as they seemed to suffer mainly once I put the fry in the ice cream tub - which was stuck above them and put 2 of the worst contenders for falling apart into its shade.

So I'll give the new plants time to start growing, then the ferns will come out in a day or two and I'll have a move around.

Maintenance - 20% water change; a few new plants added...

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