Thursday 3 July 2008

The last fry dies...

The last of the fry from the eggs that were spawned 2 weeks ago today has died. It looked quiet this morning, but was still moving. This afternoon it was dead. I disturbed the water near to it and it just floated around and sunk to the bottom. As I can't find any fry in the other container, it looks like all 16 have passed away.

It's amazing - get one fry and it survives; get 16 fry and they all die. A lot to be learnt - give them plenty of oxygen and it looks like I'll need to sort them some better food supplies. I suspect that first time around there was plenty of algae for the fish and maybe a few other bits and bobs. Maybe this time there was nothing - especially in the sterile tub that this one finished his days off in. Maybe I'll need to look at hatching some baby brine shrimp or seeing if I can get some very fine food - the food I had just looked too big for his little mouth.

Never mind - that's the way of life in the fish world, I suppose. Hundreds of eggs laid, no survivors. I just need to keep an eye on the fish and hope they spawn again and start to spawn regularly. Hopefully there will be a routine established when I get back from holiday - I'm impatient, but that is 5½ weeks away!

Maintenance -

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