Wednesday 2 July 2008

Just the one fry now...

We seem to be down to just one danio fry, or the other one is hiding extremely well. TO hasten its growth (before our holiday), I caught it and placed it in a small tub in the main tank. I'm hoping that the extra heat and plenty of light plus the smaller container (easier to find the food???) should help it grow quicker - in just over 3 weeks it will be tipped out into the main tank!

The plan is to get the baby up to a size that it cannot escape from the breeding net and then swap it over. Hopefully, that will ensure maximum growth and that equals maximum chance of surviving the mouths of the fish in the main tank.

Fed the main tank some frozen daphnia today. I'm trying to work out what made them spawn 2 weeks ago that hasn't happened since. The other 3 female Danios look ready to burst and the one that did spawn is getting there again. I was hoping something as simple as extra protein from thee frozen food might help. Although, if they do spawn then at the earliest the hatching would be Monday - giving only 3 weeks' growth before tipping them out!

The next batch of eggs I collect will be kept in the tub in the main tank to keep them warm throughout - and easier to look after. I'm hoping that helps the survival rate. If they do spawn before we go away, unless the hatching would be after we leave, it would be worth trying our best just as a learning exercise. And if it protects a few eggs or fry for a couple of days, then it might just allow one to survive. I suppose even dumping eggs in an empty breeding net and letting them swim out when they hatch might help some.

Maintenance - Moved new baby danio to tub in main tank

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